Thinking Of Co-Buying A Home With Friends? Ask These Questions First

If you are a single person who is thinking of buying a home, but you don't want to live alone, you might be considering buying a home with a friend. Together, the two of you can probably afford to buy a nicer home than either of you could buy alone. Plus, you will have someone to share the yard work and other obligations! But co-buying a home with a friend is not for everyone. Read More 

Buy Luxury But Don’t Go Broke: 4 Financial Strategies for Getting Into a High-End Neighborhood

You better have deep pockets if you want a luxurious home in a pricey neighborhood. That said, you shouldn't go broke digging deep enough to buy your dream home. And you won't if you're smart. The key is to have a financial strategy for getting into your desired neighborhood. If you make smart financial decisions while buying your home, you will be able to enjoy your dream home without worrying about money. Read More 

Under Foot: 6 Resources You Can Tap On A Rural Property

Are you buying a rural property? There's a lot to love about living in the country. And, if you know how to tap into the hidden value of your land, there may be a fair amount of profit in the venture, too. Here are 6 ways to find and make money off that hidden value. Timber. If you buy a piece of land with a significant number of trees, you could join the large number of landowners who sell wood (in small bundles) and timber for profit. Read More 

Things To Talk About Before You Buy A Home With Friends

If you don't quite have the financial means to buy your own home but you no longer wish to rent, one solution to consider is buying a home with friends. Whether you're single and partner with a couple friends to make your purchase or you're married and find another married couple in a similar situation as you, this sort of partnership can make you a homeowner. And, provided that the house you buy is big enough, each person can easily have his or her own space so that the residence doesn't feel cramped. Read More 

Have You Inherited a Home You Do Not Need? Three Proactive Ways to Solve Your Problem

Inheriting a home is not always a positive experience. This is especially true in cases where the home is located in an inconvenient location, cases where it is badly damaged or in a state of disrepair due to years of neglect, or cases where there is some other problem associated with owning the home. For the beneficiary, inheriting a home with problems like these can end up being a real financial drain as they try to remedy the problems with the home and get it ready for renting, selling, or occupancy. Read More