3 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Lot For A New Home
If you are in the market for a new home, and want to purchase a lot for sale in order to build on it, here are three things that you need to take into consideration as you go through the searching and purchasing process.
#1 Think About What Type Of Community You Are Looking For
When purchasing a lot of land, you need to think about what type of community you are looking for. Do you want to purchase a lot in the city, where you can walk to downtown? Do you want to be in the suburbs where everything is a short commute away? Or do you want to live out in the open, surrounding by space, in the country? Think carefully about the long-term living style and community that you are looking for. Purchasing land and building a home are big investments; you want to make sure that you are doing them in the right place.
#2 Walk The Entire Lot
When you find a piece of property that you are interested in purchasing, before you put in an offer, you need to walk over the entire lot. You want to walk around the outer perimeter of the plot of land, then you want to crisscross and examine the interior of the plot. This will allow you to see all the features of the land and decide if it is really right for you.
For example, you may discover that the right corner, which you thought would be a great location to build your house, is actually really marshy. Or you may discover that there are a lot of rocks that would need to be moved before you purchase the land. Or maybe you discover some hidden junk on the property that you would want to require the sellers to move as a condition of purchasing the land. Walking around the entire lot will allow you to discover its features for yourself.
#3 Examine Satellite Views
Next, look at your property and view it via satellite. You can do that by simply getting on a mapping site and looking at the street view and/or satellite view of an area. This will allow you to really see what is around you.
For example, you may discover that you are two blocks away from a school or a park, or you could find out that you are two blocks away from a very large factor that puts out a lot of pollution. Looking at the satellite view around your home will allow you to get a better look at what surrounds your land and help you decide if this is really the right location for you.