Self-Guided Tours — A Convenient Way To View Properties For Rent
Self-guided tours offer a convenient way for prospective tenants to view rental units that are available for occupancy. If you are seeking a new apartment or rental home, learn how a self-guided tour is conducted.
Self-Guided Tours
A leasing company typically requires prospective clients to set up a formal appointment to view a rental. A company that provides guided tours will require tour appointments to be made during normal business hours.
A leasing company that features self-guided tours provides an open-ended way to tour residential listings. A prospective client can choose the time and day when they would like to participate in a self-guided tour. The individual can bring their spouse or other loved ones along with them when they view a property.
During the viewing, the people who are touring a residential property will be free to take their time assessing the indoor and outdoor features that a property provides. After the tour has concluded, a leasing agent may reach out to the person who signed up for the tour.
The agent will be free to answer questions about the property, plus can assist the individual with setting up a secondary self-guided tour if it is requested of them.
The Sign-Up Process
Visit a rental property company's website. View the properties that are listed online. Evaluate the manner in which a self-guided tour needs to be arranged.
Many leasing companies that feature self-guided tours will offer an online sign-up process. This process will require a participant to furnish their name and contact information. A leasing company may require an individual to upload a copy of their photo identification.
Smart Technology
Leasing companies that offer self-guided tours use smart technology to keep rental units secure. A participant of a tour will be furnished with a passcode that will allow them to access the lock that is secured to a rental's entry door. Cameras and other equipment that are set up on-site will capture footage while a tour is underway.
Your Tours
Schedule one self-guided tour at a time. Take notes as you are walking throughout each rental. The notes can relate to what you like or don't like about each room within a rental. Once you have viewed several properties, compare the positive attributes and negative attributes of each rental.
After you have settled on a particular rental, contact the leasing agent who has listed the property. The agent will aid you with moving forward with the rental process.
For more info, look into properties for rent.