How To Organize Your Kitchen Pantry To Help Sell Your Home

If you're trying to sell your home, you already know that the kitchen is either a turn-on or a turn-off. Even if you have a small kitchen, you can make it desirable to potential buyers by organizing the pantry in a way that looks like there is a lot of space. This guide demonstrates the steps to take to organize your pantry, so that those who are viewing your home see its potential for their own lives.

Step 1: Remove Everything

Clear some counter space in the kitchen and empty the entire pantry, putting everything in the pantry on the counter. Check the expiration dates of all food items and throw away everything that's expired.

Step 2: Clean the Shelves

Grab some all-purpose cleaner and a clean cloth and wipe down the shelves. Make sure that all food remnants are gone. If your pantry has adjustable wire shelves, remove them from the pantry. Take them outdoors and scrub them well with water, soap and a clean cloth.

Step 3: Group Items Together

While the shelves are drying, go to your counter where all the pantry items are and begin sorting. Organize food items by type. Some ideas to get you started include:

  • canned vegetables
  • canned fruits
  • boxed meals (mac and cheese)
  • condiments (ketchup and mustard)
  • canned meats (tuna)
  • paper goods

Once you have all of your groups together, pick spots for the groups in the panty. Set all the items back on the shelves.

Hint: Don't worry if you have empty shelves or if some of the shelves have few items. This is actually good for potential buyers to see. They are able to visualize what they can do with the space.

Step 4: Store Barely Used Items

Once you have replaced all the food and paper good items back into the pantry, check to see what's left on the counter. The chances are good that you only have bulky items that only get used during the holiday season, or other special occasions. Place these in a box or plastic storage container and store them in the attic, garage or rented storage unit if you have one.

Walk-in Pantry Consideration

If you have a walk-in pantry, and store your broom and mop in this area, purchase some hooks to screw into the wall or on the back of the door. Hang the broom and mop on the hook so that potential buyers see more organization and even more potential.

Remove items from the floor of the pantry and store them elsewhere. When items sit on the floor, the pantry looks cluttered, and buyers don't get a good overall feel of the size of the space.

Plan to spend an afternoon cleaning and organizing your pantry so that potential buyers see lots of free space, even if you have a small kitchen. Ask a real estate professional like Remax Glenn Knutson for other ideas on making your kitchen more appealing to buyers. Share this with others who are hoping to sell their home and want to add some extra touches that encourage offers.
