Packing To Move? Here Are Some Handy Tips For Preventing Tangled Messes

You've sold your home and you're ready to move, now comes the hard part. Packing up your belongings is definitely a chore, especially trying to find ways to safely pack those tiny things that can get lost in the shuffle. There's no need to panic. You'll find lots of simple ways to pack the things that threaten to become big headaches later on.

Electrical Cords And Chargers

Now that you're packing, you realize how many electrical cords you actually have in your home. You could just toss them all in a box together, but then you'd have to sort them out and untangle them once you started unpacking. Here's an easy way to take the headache out of packing your electrical cords and chargers.

Foam Swim Noodles

Those things that float around in your pool are quite useful when it comes time to pack. In just a few minutes, you can turn an ordinary swim noodle into a packing container for your electrical cords.

Supplies You'll Need

  • Foam swim noodles

  • Sharp knife or scissors

  • Duct tape or packing tape

  • Permanent marker


  1. Use your knife or scissors to cut your foam noodle in to 6" lengths.

  2. Fold your electrical cord for storage.

  3. Wrap a small piece of tape around your electrical cord.

  4. Push your cord into the center of the foam piece.

  5. Use your permanent marker to write the name of the cord on the outside of the foam.

  6. Organize your foam pieces inside a packing box.

  7. Your electrical cords and chargers are now ready for transport to your new home.


Small pieces of jewelry are difficult to pack. Earrings can get lost and necklaces can turn into one big tangled mess. Try this method to keep your jewelry organized during your move.

Supplies You'll Need

  • Several empty egg cartons

  • Cotton balls

  • Packing tape

  • Permanent marker


  1. Carefully place one set of earrings or one necklace in each separate egg section.

  2. Place one cotton ball on top of each section.

  3. Close the egg carton.

  4. Place a piece of packing tape around the carton to prevent it from opening during transport.

  5. Use your marker to label the top of the carton.

  6. Your jewelry will arrive safe and untangled.

Moving is a lot of work. Trying to keep small objects from getting lost and tangled can be difficult. You can use these simple methods to take some of the work out of moving, or you can contact a professional moving company to help you. 
